Shipped with in America
Many different products can be directly shipped from the U.S. This will drastically speed up the amount of time that it takes you to get your products in the mail. Especially during this coronavirus pandemic!
I have several different types of masks ranging from 3 layers, KN95’s, and Reusable Anti-Dust with Filters. We also have Non-contact Infrared Thermometers, Disposable Gloves, Hand Sanitizer, Disinfectant Spray, Googles, Disinfecting Wipes, and Alcohol Pads. If you need to have full protection, then we also have a full-body Protective Disposable Isolation suit.
In addition, we have Men's Jeans, Joggers, and Shirts. Women's Dresses, Lingerie, Two Pieces, and Trousers. We also have Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Air Humidifiers, and Mesh Dog Fences.